Days After Christmas

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What did you get for Christmas this year?
An abundance of useful and fun things - one of the best Christmases ever!
What did you have for dinner on Christmas?
ham, beans, this great salad my aunt made.... that was my favorite part.
Who cooked?
my grandmother, suplemented by my other women relatives
Did you get your pets anything for Christmas?
Kelsea(ie) (DH's dog) got tennis balls, and everyone else got a coupon for food (woohoo)
If so, then what?
balls, food
What did you get your friends for Christmas?
soap, assorted bath goodies, homemade cookie jar mix.... hope its good.
What did they get for you?
I think I will have to devote an entire post to my Christmas goodies
What's your all time favorite Christmas song?
I wan't a Hippopotamus for Christmas
What is your favorite Christmas movie?
I really don't have one, DH says its Home Alone, and I guess he is right!
Do you still believe in Santa Claus?
If you don't believe you don't receive!
What's your favorite Christmas decoration that you have in your house?
My BEAUTIFUL live wreath on our front gate.
Is Christmas your favorite holiday?
no, it really isn't I love Thanksgiving. All the great family and food, but no stress about gifts.
Does your Christmas tree have a theme?
I don't have very many ornaments because I want them all to come from somewhere, and mean something.
Do you know anybody that was born on Christmas?
DH's nephew matt, and J, a guy I went to HS with.
How many reindeer does Santa have?
What is Santa's wife's name?
Mrs. Claus, seems like it should be martha.
How many Christmas movies do you have?
none? maybe I should start a collection.
What's your favorite Christmas movie that you saw in theaters?
I remember going to Miracle on 34th street and The Grinch that stole Christmas.
Did anyone make Christmas cookies?
RR's mom sent goodies, and they are AMAZING! I usually bake up a storm, but i didn't have time.
Was there a mistletow?
I wish..... i need to make a list for next year.
Do you drink egg nog or hot chocolate?
HC, with peppermint schnapps when its cold at nigth :-)
Have you ever made gingerbread houses before?
Mom and I made one once, I think it got stale before we could stand to eat it. It was lots of fun.
Did you attend Church or Mass?
Communion on Christmas Eve.
How many people did you celebrate Christmas with?
30 or so, i'm blessed to have lots of family!
Are you sad that Christmas is over?
I'm really relieved, but its sad to not hear Christmas music on the radio the day after.
Do you still play Christmas music, even when Christmas is over?
I am still singing snippets :-)
Are you planning to return any gifts?
nope :-)
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