Saturday, January 10, 2009


Uh I mean winners!
I consulted the random number generator at and it spit out numbers 7 and 21 and as I am typing this I do not know who's they are.... so i'm gonna hop on over and check. Just a moment!


Number 7 is Wierdlings
Number 21 is Maureen

if you two lovelies will please email me your mailing addresses I will send you your prizes (I'll post pictures before I send!)
my email is breezy quarters at gmail dot com (no spaces of course)

Any now for a funny update!

I teach colorguard, some of you may know that. Well, this week was the kids' first week back at school and I was out. My lovely band director substituted for me, and basically all she needed to do was make sure they didn't kill each other.

The first day everything was fine, just the usual distractions, cell phones, laziness. But everything was okay. Thursday didn't go so well. The girls needed to clean our "floor" (this is a gym sized mat we use as a backdrop / floor protector) so we can paint it this coming week. Well a few of the girls didn't want to do it, and as soon as RR went to the rest room the fire alarm went off. My Captain was crying and was terrified she was going to go to jail because she tried to press the lever back in and her fingerprints were on it. Some of the girls were still busy scrubbing the floor. No one knows who pulled it. (but there are suspicions)

RR got the problem fixed, the fire department didn't come, they finished the tarp and RR told the girls that the worst part was that "Now I have to go tell Paige!" and the girls don't want her to tell me, it can be their little secret they say. lol. So RR comes to the house to report the afternoons activity and I laughed so hard I was crying and my mouth was hurting SO bad!

If it had happened while I was there, children would be crying, and they wouldn't have been able to leave until I find out who did it! (maybe that will be practice Tuesday)

There will be a "Come to Jesus" meeting on Tuesday, and I'm sure lots of drama.

Friday was my first day venturing out of the house since I had surgery. RR took me to Augusta to see Mama Mia! and we also tried to go to an LYS (In Stitches) but couldn't find it. Maybe it closed? I'll have to search for it on Ravelry.

So we went to Jo Ann's. I had never been to a JA's before, and I was disappointed at their selection. I also looked for a ball winder, as I had seen them on their website, but the people that worked there didn't know what they were, and when they found someone that knew what they were told me they were like $149. Uh no they aren't, more like $30. So a helpful knitter wanted to know what I was looking for and I told her, and she said that I could just drape it over a chair. I explained I didn't want a Skein stretcher, I want a BALL WINDER. Then I was told I could just do it myself. Yes, I am aware I can do it myself, I just wanted to consider NOT doing it for myself. Then I showed her my socks.

I bought about 8 (maybe 10 ) hanks (balls? skeins? ) of Paton's wool to make RR a computer bag from S & B Nation. I will start on that project after I read my horn book. Maybe I can finish it today.

Have a good weekend ya'll. Thanks for reading, and Congrats to the winners!

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